I’m Chris, an award-winning Masters Student in Computer Science. I develop research software for Microbiome Science with the Caporaso Lab and occasionally moonlight as a bioinformatician, working with 16s rRNA sequence and qPCR data. I love Python, respect C, am very intrigued by Rust, and take great satisfaction in making things go.

I am deeply motivated to build software that makes the world a better place, particularly by supporting positive outcomes for wilderness and climate, improving health access and outcomes, advancing human knowledge, and building tools that work for people first.

If your organization fits any of that description, please get in touch. I am open for work in North America or Europe beginning in August/September 2022, and would love to talk with you.

I believe in well-made things, hard work, good food, and human connection. When I’m not geeking out on open technology, you’ll find me reading a book, cooking something extravagant, or wandering in the woods somewhere.