Welcome to my little workshop. Like a garage workbench, it’s messy but it gets the job done.

You’ll find a bit of everything here. Beyond the obligatory developer profile, I use the blog for notes, tricks I pick up while building software, and anything else that sparkles: those perfect recipes you can build a meal or a whole life around, the little projects I knock together in my spare time, and photographs of the wild things I find in the woods. Call this what you will - a woodshed, a scrapbook, or a tinker’s cart, I hope you find something you need here.


About Me

A few more words about me, my work, and the things that light me up.

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More CV than portfolio, this will get prettier when I do more frontend work.

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Posts by Category

Posts by Category

Daffodils, green meadows, skies full of stars, and raindrops on roses

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The things a crow puts in its nest,
are always things it finds that shine best
- T. Waits